Why Should You Own a Suit?
Do people call you a guy born in a suit? Take pride as a suit is a symbol of class and flamboyance. Can you recall the day you wore you first suit? You would have felt like a new born man…and this time with wings to fly.
Wearing a suit is more an art than a technique. Because the range of design, theme, cut and colour options are mind-blowing, you can feel like an artist at work with the suit on, may be fabulous even on a bad day. Here is why every man should own a suit.
#1 It shows what stuff you’re made of. Inner beauty is what’s more important is almost a cliché nowadays. The way you present yourself can either make or break things. This implies that the suit is no longer a formal wear to impress professionals, but something you can use to turn the tables in your favour.

#2 A suit can simply magnetize people and makes the wearer more credible and trustworthy. It is easy to sway people with the suit on. If your suit is picture-perfect, then onlookers may look upon you as a fashion influencer and trend-gazer.

#3 Do you want to become a storyteller and persuade people at will? Why not wear a bespoke suit and weave stories based on your suit’s pocket square, bow tie or lapel flower? Presenting yourself in a suit throws up fresh opportunities for networking and reaching out to people in a meet-up, conference, seminar or themed parties. Why waste an opportunity when it could serve as a potential starting point?
#4 With the suit on you become more organized, effective and productive. It makes you stand out from the tribe as an individual. By putting on the right accessories, you can perfect the art of dressing for the moment and make yourself more saleable to take up new positions, jobs or even mega projects in your stride.
#5 Are you someone choosy and contemplative with every move in life? Then, you could well spring surprises on the onlookers by selecting a suit with the right theme, pattern, design, cut and colour, pairing it with matchy-match accessories. Needless to say, your confidence and self-esteem is multiplied by manifold times. Staying away from the strict no-no’s such as cartoon ties or jokey and prints is also imperative. Remember your choice of suit is important to derive the right reaction and expected outcome.
We, at Bucco, have given birth to thousands of super heroes by providing them the right bespoke suit. Still looking for that perfect suit? Your search ends right here. Trust us; you’ll be glad you did this.
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