#WeddingsByBucco Yes owning your own custom tuxedo is just as special as your future wife owning her own wedding gown.
Tag: Weddings
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridyas Tis the season for Custom Cashmere sport jackets. Keep warm and look sharp with cashmere. It looks great with jeans or custom dress slacks when out on the happy hour trail!
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays One great look is a sweater in solid colors under a custom sport jacket. Dean always wore it well…
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays What a great color for a custom suit, but is it to outside the box for business? LOVE IT or LOSE IT?
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays Since vests are becoming very popular with custom suits today. Make sure it covers your belt line and the back waist band of your pants
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays Don’t mistake change as a problem. Sometimes you have to make changes to get to your goal!
Brand Logo
#Bucco after a long 2 months of torturing my logo designer we have come up with new logos moving forward for our jeans, sports wear and new product that we will be launching later this year. Hope you all like the new logo…
Get ready Missouri we are coming! We are excited to announce that we maybe opening another area to find Bucco Couture… Keep watching we will know soon!
Weddings by Bucco
#WeddingsByBucco Most weddings will lean towards grey or dark blue for their special day!
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays What a great sport jacket to hit the town for happy our with. What would you wear with it?
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays Nothing like having fun dressed to the 9’s.. These guys new how to look great and feel great!
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays What a great Sport Jacket with a pair of jeans. Not sure about this outfit as it is here though. do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT???