#WeddingsByBucco Whether it is your local beach, a cruise or and island you choose for your special day. Make it a memorable on with a look like this!
Tag: Tuxedos
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Whether it is Bugatchi or Robert Graham Fridays at HAPPY HOUR are meant for casual and class.. Slip on a fashionable shirt with jeans or a crushed cotton pant and hit the town.
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays OK so we know who the RAT PACK is. Who else is featured?
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays OK so we as designers are always looking to change up just the ordinary suit. Nothing like really stepping outside the box with a horizontal stripe on your suit. LOVE IT or LOSE IT???
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays There can be over 30 different collar styles when it comes to custom shirts. Ready made shirts will always have limitations. Which collar do you prefer?
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays Life can be very interesting. Don’t ever fake it. Always stay true to who you are. People will accept that more.
Weddings by Bucco
#WeddingsByBucco Whether it is outside with a beautiful setting like this or in a hall. Make sure your stylist makes it memorable in the way you dress for that special day. Pictures last a life time.
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays TGIF – time to go out grab a cocktail and meet some new friends… Throw on a Bugatchi or Robert Graham shirt with a jean or draw string cotton pant.
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays Always styling… Who are these guys? and what is your favorite song from them?
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays With style changing on a constant basis. Designers look for different ways to make clothing look new and modern. Do you Love this or Lose this look???
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays Body posture can affect the way clothing lays on your body. In this picture you see the collar of the jacket id about 1″ lower then the shirt collar. This can be a very costly alteration. A jacket collar should sit no more then 1/2″ lower then the shirt collar. Unless you are wearing a high collar shirt.
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays In work and life always be humble and confident. Ignorance is not a a way that leads to success or happiness