#WeddingsByBucco Traditional Tuxedos are all black, blue or grey. Why not step it up and add some character to your wedding with some color.
Tag: Tracksuits
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Enough you worked hard this week. 5 PM is around the corner. Go slip into a great sport jacket with slacks or jeans with a casual shirt and hit the town.
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays These are the days when men dressed not just to impress but to show class. Times have changed but the classics are coming back.
Wear it Wednesday
#WearitWednesdays Why just be ordinary. Step outside your comfort zone and add character to your wardrobe. Do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT ???
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays The Length of your tie can really affect the outcome of how you look and present yourself. Always make sure your tie meets your belt line.
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays The greatness of man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively -Bob Marley
Such a great quote! Always stay true to who you are!
Weddings by Bucco
#WeddingsByBucco Whether it is a Tuxedo or a suit. Make sure you get the right advise from a specialist. You will have these memories for a long time. You don’t want it to be ruined by not looking great.
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Ready to hit the town. Throw on a Bugatchi shirt with a blazer. Use your favorite jean or a dress slack and look dapper..
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays The days when men dressed to impress and would not walk out the door with at least a sport jacket. It all comes back around and men are starting to see the value in dressing like a gentleman.
Wear it Wednesday
#WearItWednesdays Most of the suits you wear on black , blue and grey. Most forget that tan’s and Browns add more diversity to your wardrobe. Do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT???
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays Shirts of the rack can be tricky when it comes to the neck size. It has to fit various body types. A custom fitted shirt will fix that because not everyone is built the same.
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays Fashion comes and goes very quickly. Style will out last fashion. Remember the classics will never die.