#WeddingsByBucco It is the day you marry your soulmate and take a journey into life together. Show each other that love and look like amazing while doing it. Remember the pictures will be with you always.
Tag: suitup
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Yes the weekend is here. There are going to be some night parties and maybe your on vacation.. A look like this can be used in so many ways. Wear it well and enjoy HAPPY HOUR…
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays Even at the age of 10 this gentleman can not only sing, but knew how to dress like a gentleman.. Who is he??
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays Adding some character to a 3 piece suit is a good idea maybe change the color of the vest but using a patterned vest to me is not really eye pleasing. What are your thoughts? Do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays When purchasing a suit and making to many alterations you will start to disrupt the patter as it is was intended. These days tailoring with quality can get very expensive as it is hard to find master tailors anymore. You don’t want to have to do this much work to a jacket.
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays What a true statement. Never change that trait. If some can’t handle that the right one always will appreciate it.
Weddings by Bucco
#WeddingsByBucco She looks like and angel so show her with passion how you feel about her. Why not look great while doing it.
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Not much longer to go till you reach the end of your work day.. It has been a long week and time to go out and enjoy the night… Look smashing while doing it. Change in to something comfortable and colorful. A great line to do that with is Bugatchi or even Robert Graham
Throwback Thursdays
#ThrowbackThursdays Yes the best is always yet to come. Make everyday a better then the last..
Would you wear Wednesdays
#WouldYouWearWednesdays What are your thoughts about this hounds tooth look with black pants? I think the pants help down play the loudness of the jacket and vest. Do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT???
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays Body posture has a lot to do with how your suit will fit. Ready made or made to measure suits have limitations. Once you alter a garment to much it disrupts how the lines of the seams will balance the garment. When it comes to custom or bespoke you will always get a better fit ad feel and the comments will come in from everywhere. You take pride in yourself remember that when you are wearing your casual or business clothing.
Motivational Mondays
#MotivationalMondays Never be afraid to say how you feel. People respect honesty over lies. Always stay true to who you are respect goes a long way! If you mess up own it and fix it, because everyone makes mistakes. It is how you handle it that makes you who you are.