#WouldYouWearWednesdays Wide lapels from the 50’s and 60’s are trying to make their way back into men’s suits. Not sure how long it will stay in and wonder if it is going to bring back the bell bottoms.
Tag: customsuits
Teaching Tuesdays
#TeachingTuesdays if you use a button down shirt always make sure it is buttoned. Wearing a button down shirt with a suit makes the suit more casual. Use a laydown collar with stays for that look you are trying to accomplish with a button down shirt.
Motivational Mondays
#MotiviationalMondays If you continuously focus on your past you will never reach your true potential and reach your goals. Look at what you can fix not what you can’t
Bucco Couture Custom Tuxedo
#Bucco Why be ordinary at your next black tie event. Whether it is for your wedding. prom or black tie dinner, add some flare while stepping out side the box in a Custom Tuxedo made just for you. Ordinary is out spectacular is in!!!
Womens custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco what a great color when it comes to clothing for women. Even making a wide peak lapel actually makes someone look taller. What would you wear with this outfit.
Womens custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco Lighten up your wardrobe. This is a great addition to what you have in your closet. You can even add a skirt to change up the look. What would you accessorize this outfit with?
Womens custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco Plaid slacks or skirts always go well with a solid blazer. Always try to compliment the slacks and or skirt with the blazer when it comes to colors.
Womens custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco A blazer is a great way to create different looks when it comes to your wardrobe. What other slacks or skirts would you wear with a blazer like this?
Womens custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco Dark navy colored suits are to me a lot classier then wearing black. The color is very elegant and one of the most worn colors in clothing because it is universal and adds a lot of variation.
Womens Custom suits by Bucco
#WomensCustomSuitsByBucco Running late and not sure what to wear. Just add a blazer to what ever you have.. Now your ready to step out and take the day by storm.
Weddings by Bucco
#WeddingsByBucco Tis the season for future happiness whether it is the prom or your wedding day.
Freestyle Fridays
#FreestyleFridays Just a few hours till you get to hit happy hours… Take off the suit and put on that sport jacket still looking desired in the bar room!