Weddings by Bucco

#WeddingsByBucco You have touched each others heart and soul. Now it is time to walk down the isle and start your journey. Whether it is in grey, blue or black make that suit or tuxedo one to remember for your pictures.

Would you wear Wednesdays

#WouldYouWearWednesdays Wearing patterns on patterns is not a bad look. Make sure at least your colors are consistent, if not it looks like you just threw something together in hopes to make a statement. LOVE IT or LOSE IT???

Teaching Tuesdays

#TeachingTuesdays Most ready made suits are meant to fit at least 3 body types in the same size. Because of this alterations will be needed. Focus not only on the style but the fit. I can change the way people look at you. A or B which one do you prefer?

Teaching Tuesdays

#TeachingTuesdays When purchasing a suit and making to many alterations you will start to disrupt the patter as it is was intended. These days tailoring with quality can get very expensive as it is hard to find master tailors anymore. You don’t want to have to do this much work to a jacket.