Super 100’s 120’s 150’s and up what does it really mean?
Wools come from many mills around the world Asia, Italy, England and many other places. Suits can come in many variations wool/ poly blends, 100% wool, Wool/Cashmere and Wool/Silk blends. Depending on where they come from can change the price very much. A fine suit normally starts in the 80’s and 90’s and can move up from there. A super 120 can make a beautiful suit when you get into Super 150’s and up you are at the top of the line when it comes to quality. Just be aware you can get a super 150’s suit but know where the material comes from. That is where a lot of people make the mistake. Don’t be fool by the tag look into the shell fabric inside the suits and should tell you what it is made of. Super any number means: how much 1 Grams of wool or any of that fabric will extend, means the smaller the number the heaver the fabric is, it’s not like a carpet thread role. Super lightweight, high twist fabrics were established by Italian mills over 5 years ago. The fabrics are milled with high tech machines that spin the thread like nothing else which makes it finer. Always remember the higher the s-number the better the fabric.
Now the number refers to the fineness of the wool as measured in microns Fineness is just one quality component: Length, strength, color, and crimp are also important, with the first two particularly so. Length is critical because the longer the fiber, the stronger the yarn that can be spun from it. Strength is critical because the yarn must be twisted very tightly (hence the name high-twist fabric) to achieve a fine weave. The way in which the fabric is finished also plays an enormous role in the feel and look. There is a possibility that a super 100 can feel as luxurious as a super 120 to 140 but that is all because of the finishing. It is not easy to get such fine wool, sheep flocks have to be specially bred and managed so they grow the requisite fleece
So how should you maintain your closet in this world of wool? Make super 100s and Super 150s the mainstay of your wardrobe. They are durable, resilient, Treat above super 150s’ or silk, cashmere wool blends as your home run suits.
For the record super 100’s and up does not mean the stitch count it is the fineness of the thread. Watch wear the actual material is spun and milled that makes a big difference. If you are buying high end brand name materials for under $1200.00 question it. If you want that lavish look like you see on news and sports casters remember those materials probably have a blend that is where that luxurious look comes from.
At Bucco Couture for our custom and bespoke clothing we use only the best, qualified mills in the world to deliver your garment looking and feeling luxurious. We truly believe that is what makes a great looking suit.
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