#WouldYouWearWednesdays Hounds-tooth suits are becoming very popular in today’s fashion. Do you think this makes a statement? LOVE IT or LOSE IT.. Lets see what your friends think.. LIKE SHARE and COMMENT!!!
#WouldYouWearWednesdays Hounds-tooth suits are becoming very popular in today’s fashion. Do you think this makes a statement? LOVE IT or LOSE IT.. Lets see what your friends think.. LIKE SHARE and COMMENT!!!
#TeachingTuesdays Shirts of the rack can be tricky when it comes to the neck size. It has to fit various body types. A custom fitted shirt will fix that because not everyone is built the same.
#MotivationalMondays Never forget how you got started the small orders will always be there. Never forget they are the ones that lead you to success.
#WeddingsByBucco Wedding pictures last a life time keep in mind dressing up for that day is just as important for the GROOM as it is for the BRIDE
#FreestyleFridays Wear this suit as a sport jacket with jeans or just wear it as a suit. Remember every man should be in a jacket it takes you to gentleman status…
#ThrowbackThursdays Ok so WHO is not wearing a jacket in this picture? Lets see who knows who it is.. See if your friends know SHARE IT see if the guess before you….
#WouldYouWearWednesdays What are your thoughts on the tie and pocket square? Do you LOVE IT or LOSE IT??? Lets see what your friends think! SHARE it LIKE it and COMMENT!
#TeachingTuesdays Shirt yokes that exceed your actual shoulder line make a shirt look very sloppy. A custom shirt is always measured to the correct point on the shoulder so it fits properly and gives you such a better look!
#MotivationalMondays Mistakes happen it is when you learn from them that you become even more successful. Don’t be afraid to make them but learn from them.
#WeddingsByBucco Sometimes the smallest touches like a tie instead of a bow-tie for the groomsmen is just enough to make those pictures look so elegant
#FreestyleFridays Never go out on the weekend looking less then professional. You never know who you are going to meet!
#ThrowbackThursdays Would you dress like these guys to go out to dinner?