Suit could cost you a job or client

That Suit Could Cost You The Job — Literally! Why Custom Suits Will Rock Your World


You know that feeling, gentlemen. You have a big function coming up, or a very promising job interview, so you find yourself scrambling for the most presentable formalwear you have. You might have a great shirt, or even a pair of pants that suits you flawlessly. Yet, look at the end result of the contents of your wardrobe — an outfit that passes the muster for formality, but does little to make you stand out. Even worse, your formalwear may simply be inappropriate with perhaps clashing or, and this is the worst offender of them all, ill-fitting pieces.

Why is fit so important? First, fit is absolutely indicative of quality. Compare the stitches on a low-end department store suit versus a made-to-measure suit. Sizing in mass-produced suits are based on average proportions in different weight/height brackets. This might seem like the proper way to go, but people vary vastly. Ever have a friend who was close to you in height and weight, but was proportionally distinct from yourself? The mass produced suits in many stores would not and could not accommodate for every variation in the same size bracket, so almost everybody buying mass-produced suits is left for wanting.

Fit is very important in other regards. If you have an eye for detail, you may notice that the stitches are tighter on a made-to-measure suit. This creates a longer-lasting product, as seams will have less points of pressures due to the suit being properly fitted. Not only that, but mass-produced suits often do not match up with patterns along the seams. Prints can make or break a suit, and can even inadvertently make a man look husky if they are not chosen and matched up carefully. These may seem like tiny details to somebody new to fashion, but these are signs any man should be aware of as he considers a new suit purchase.

A properly fitted suit can do a number of things to make you look even better. A proper fit can accommodate where you need extra space (a must for gentlemen with broad shoulders) and be taken in by a clever tailor to make your fit slimming at the same time. A made-to-measure suit can make even a couch-potato excited to go to formal functions, because almost everybody loves a self-esteem booster like looking sharp in custom clothing made to fit.

That boost of confidence may prove more useful than you ever thought. A prospective employer will notice made-to-fit clothing and understand you are a man who does not miss a single detail. Better yet, that boost of self-esteem from your unique formal wear might just have you standing a little taller. Regardless of what you need a suit for, you will be impressed with the quality and fit delivered by a made-to-measure suit. Your investment will yield you many returns for years to come, and its durability will pay for itself in no time at all.

Super 100’s 120’s 150’s and up what does it really mean?

Dressing for the Holiday

How To Dress For The Holidays

Soon the holiday lights will illuminate giving rise to a dazzling array of shiny pretty dresses. Now that the holiday season is approaching, most people are already getting their wardrobes set with festive pieces specially designed for celebrating the party season.

If you are yet to decide on what to wear, never mind. There is a gorgeous party look awaiting you in this post. Whether you are seeking to have more of a glamorous glitter or subtle shine or you just need to wear something less kinky, you will surely find that here.

Take up a classic look

For those looking to keep their outfit simple and at the same time, let their jewelry stand out consider choosing a simple classic look. A simple black and white outfit or a black jumpsuit can make a great formula for holiday parties. It doesn’t just stop there as you can make the look special with a special necklace or stunning earrings. There is no need letting your precious jewelry lay fallow in your cabinet.

Skirt and top (knitted)

Combining a knitted sweater, with a pencil or longer straight, or knee-high skirt can make another fashionable option for this season. This would surely make a good option for lovers of knitted sweater particularly now that skits are becoming very hip. Get a pair of closely fitting ankle booties to follow suit.

Make a statement with A dress

Ultimately, wearing a long dress for a holiday party will be very chic. Choosing to wear a knee-high dress for the holidays can never really go wrong. Nevertheless, it is good to always consider warmth and comfort with this option. It may be nice to select a stretchy one with long sleeves. You may consider adding a bit more glamour particularly if your party is a little more formal. Lace is a popular option for creating a lovely sparkly dress.

The swingy skirt

For a flattery look, you can consider wearing a full cut skirt. Ensure to give it a twirl that is suitable for the event you’re attending. The versatility of this fashionable style is surprisingly inspiring. With goes well with any kind of top you choose including a tuxedo-type jacket or even a blazer. Enhanced with additives like booties, opaque tights, and a sweater are suitable for a laid-back daytime look.

The slouchy sweater and pants

This is a go-to jeans/dressy top formula that present a high style of comfort in an eye-catching manner. You can choose to add a luxe structure to your overall outlook by wearing a sequined tuxedo pant. You can go all-natural with a jean beneath the sweater. Alternatively, a camisole and a sheer black blouse can be paired up to create a more cozy appearance suitable for any formal occasion.

What To Wear And What Not To Wear For The Holidays

When it comes to the holidays, deciding on the right things to wear can be difficult and it can also be challenging to decide what not to wear. If you are planning on heading to another location for your holiday gathering, packing is the toughest part and by reading to learn more about the following tips, you’ll be properly prepared for any and all occasions.

What If I’m Heading Someplace Warm?

For some, the concept of spending the holidays in a cold climate is too much to bear and they will book themselves a trip to a warmer locale. While you are definitely going to want to bring a swimsuit and other summery clothes, you’ll also need to pack some lightweight outfits for when you are not at the beach.

A lightweight kaftan is an absolute essential for when you wish to cover up at the beach and it is short enough to be paired with shorts if you decide to wear it around town. Bright colors and pastels should be favored in these instances and a fashionable wide brim hat can keep the sun out of your eyes.

Sundresses are also a great choice, because of their versatility. They do not show wrinkles, which allows you to bring them on vacation without having to hunt for an iron. Sandals are another excellent decision, as they take up far less room in your suitcase. As a finishing touch, add some simple jewelry to your packing list and be sure to steer clear of the gaudier items that you own.

What About The Colder Climates?

If you are going to be staying put or heading to a chillier climate, you’ll want to make sure that you are not packing any summer style clothing and layers are going to be your best friend. Don’t make the mistake of packing items that you would never actually wear if you were at home, as this only serves to take up valuable suitcase real estate.

That’s why your luggage needs to be filled with knitwear of neutral colors and the color palette of the clothing you choose should not encompass more than three shades. Pack your holiday clothing by the outfit, not the piece, so that you already have a planned wardrobe when you arrive. This is a great excuse to pack your holiday sweaters and by pairing them with neutral colored slacks and trousers, you can put together outfits on the go with relative ease.

Scarves, jackets and boots will all need to make the trip with you into the colder locales and any slinkier outfits should remain in the closet. While you can still remain cute during the holidays, even when you travel to colder locations, it is important to pack the most functional items in your wardrobe. Combining comfort, style and usefulness is the main goal.

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more.

Great fitting suit

Always Wear a Great-Fitting Suit

It is sort of odd, but some men and women who believe they are overweight will wear clothes that are really too large for them. It is as if they believe that they can cover up figure flaws by dressing in a tent.

The reality is that any fashion expert will tell you that a great-fitting suit is actually much more slimming than ill-fitting clothes. The same is true for people who think they are too slim. A suit that is too large will just make them look like they are in a suit that is too large! A well-cut suit will help them present a very elegant profile.

Of course, nobody probably has to tell you that wearing clothes that are too tight, cut too long or short, or have similar problems will do your appearance one bit of good. A tailor who can custom-fit a suit to an individual can work wonders though!

This is not to say that the cut of clothes cannot help mask some figure flaws. For men’s suits, the cut can be subtly tailored to help make shoulders look broader, a waist more trim, and so on. In fact, the right cut of a suit for a person can even make that person look taller. Similar transformations can be accomplished with the right cut of women’s clothes.

How To Get A Well-Tailored Suit

You might be one of those lucky people who happen to fit into clothes that are purchased off the rack, but that is actually more rare than you would think. When you see somebody in a suit that seems to fit them like a glove, it has probably been custom tailored by a professional tailor. That is the only real way to get pants and a jacket hang the right way.

Otherwise, you risk having some parts fit while others do not. For example, the pant’s waste might be fine, but the crotch could hang to low or be too tight. With a jacket, the shoulders might be perfect, but it might be too hard to button over a larger chest or belly. Suit makers try to create suits that they can sell to a great number of people, but when that happens, they aren’t likely to fit anybody perfectly.

Who Cares If Clothes Fit Perfectly?

Actually, you should care if your clothes fit. Your appearance can have a big impact on your success in life and romance. Your boss or potential romantic partners may not even realize it, but they are likely to make judgments about you because of your appearance. Why not make those judgments as positive as possible.

Perhaps most importantly, your appearance can impact your self-esteem. Why not show up at the club or your office looking your very best at all times? You might be a person who is lucky enough to look OK in a suit you buy off the rack, but you will be likely to look FANTASTIC in a custom-tailored suit.

Custom Suit

A suit is thе mоѕt tаѕtеful аnd рrоfеѕѕіоnаl аddіtіоn to a mаn’ѕ wаrdrоbе. It communicates a ѕеnѕе of соmреtеnсу аnd еlеgаnсе аnd соmmаndѕ rеѕресt in every еnvіrоnmеnt. But аll thіѕ hоldѕ truth оnlу if the suit аdоrnеd fits thе person соrrесtlу. Evеrу mаn ѕhоuld enjoy the craftsmanship аnd fit оf a custom tаіlоrеd suit. But the question іѕ whаt makes the сuѕtоm ѕuіtѕ ѕuреrіоr tо rеаdу-tо-wеаr ѕuіtѕ? Why іѕ it worth paying the extra dollars for соnѕtruсtіng thе gаrmеnt from ѕсrаtсh?

Thеrе іѕ nо dоubt іn thе fасt that a сuѕtоm ѕuіt is far superior to іtѕ alternatives fоr the fоllоwіng rеаѕоnѕ:

Cаnvаѕіng: Thе biggest аnd thе mоѕt іmроrtаnt benefit оf a custom ѕuіt is thаt іt аlwауѕ has a саnvаѕ. Gеnеrаllу mаdе from соttоn аnd hоrѕеhаіr, іt іѕ an еxtrа mаtеrіаl in-between the fabric аnd the lіnіng, and іѕ rеѕроnѕіblе fоr the еntіrе ѕіlhоuеttе. It gіvеѕ thе ѕuіt a ѕtruсturеd look аnd mаkеѕ іtѕ wrinkle rеѕіѕtаnt. Thе canvas is vеrу іmроrtаnt in a ѕuіt and саn еіthеr run thrоugh thе еntіrе lеngth or juѕt be tіll thе chest рlаtе.

Pеrfесt fit: Mоѕt of the off-the-rack ѕuіtѕ аrе mаdе fоr the ‘аvеrаgе mаn’. Aѕ a result уоu аlmоѕt never gеt thе sharp аnd dіѕtіnсtіvе edge that comes from a сuѕtоm ѕuіt. A custom ѕuіt іѕ made іn ассоrdаnсе tо уоur bоdу ѕtruсturе. That іѕ; іt will fіt уоur shoulders, сhеѕt, hips аnd ѕtоmасh реrfесtlу while cleverly соvеrіng thе flаwѕ. Exасt measurements еnѕurе thаt thе ѕuіt fіtѕ lіkе a ѕесоnd skin.

A lоng-tеrm іnvеѕtmеnt: A custom ѕuіt аlwауѕ has a lіttlе еxtrа mаtеrіаl nеаtlу tuсkеd іn. Aѕ a rеѕult you can easily gеt уоur timeless classic rеаdjuѕtеd еаѕіlу іf you grоw оut a lіttlе оf the рrеѕеnt ѕhаре. Suсh luxurіеѕ аrе nоt роѕѕіblе in case оf an оff-thе-rасk ріесе whеrе fаbrіс is cut with mіnіmum mаrgіnѕ.

Dеtаіlѕ соunt: Pеrfесtіоn lіеѕ in thе small dеtаіlѕ. With the custom suit уоu gеt thе facility оf реrѕоnаlіzіng your ѕuіt аѕ реr your choice. Yоu соuld орt for funсtіоnаl buttоnhоlеѕ, a lіttlе еxtrа material in соllаr, оr even trоuѕеrѕ wіth еlаѕtісіzеd wаіѕtbаnd. Yоu name it аnd уоu hаvе it.

With a сuѕtоm-mаdе ѕuіt, you hаvе thе ріесе of mіnd thаt іt wаѕ expertly crafted.

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more. Get it shipped right to your home or office.

Men Stylish 40 50 and older

How to Be a Silver Fox: Stylish at 40, 50, and Older

There is a new term popping up to describe men who are in their 40s, 50s, and even older if they have some gray hair showing. It is a silver fox, and is considered to be one of the highest compliments. There are a number of silver foxes throughout Hollywood, including Anderson Cooper, Jon Stewart, and Brian Williams.

When you want to achieve this status, it’s all about knowing how to take good care of your skin and dress accordingly.


While you can always take cues from the different fashion magazines, such as GQ, it can also be advantageous to call a clothier and ask for assistance. Especially if you choose to go into one of the higher-end department stores, sales staff are educated about fashion and can make some great selections for you based upon your height, build, and skin tone.

There is something to be said about making sure that you choose clothing that is right for you and your bill. This is why tailored suits are making such a comeback. For example, double-breasted jackets are not for everyone. You need to make sure that you are caring everything properly, all the way down to the shoes. Even the pocket square on a suit should be thought about before you simply walk out the door every morning.

Your clothing should vary from what you wear to work to what you wear on your off time. However, you still want to maintain a certain level of style. Take pride in what you wear and it is going to impress those around you and give you the boost in self-esteem.


Moisturizer and cleansers are not products restricted to females. In fact, there are a number of beauty products that are dedicated specifically to men. Charcoal is a common ingredient that can help to remove impurities in the skin and reach deep down into the pores. Creating a beauty regimen is important so that your skin can look great all the time. Regardless of whether you shave or not, you need to take care of your skin. Moisturizer applied morning and night can also help to replenish the moisture within your skin so that it does not look dry.

As you continue a regular beauty regime, you will notice that you are able to fight wrinkles and aging. Many of the men that you see who have a great complexion are ones who invest in the various beauty products in order to take care of their skin.

Remember that skincare is not just for the face area you want to use something across your entire body so that you are getting rid of dead skin and leaving your skin feeling moisturized and smelling great.

With a little bit of work in the bathroom and in the closet, you, too, can become a silver fox.

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist  in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so  whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more. Get it shipped right to your home or office.

Stand Out at Social Parties in Linen or Cotton

When you attend a social events, heading to your vacation or just a barbecue you want to dress appropriately. Many parties are held outdoors, and therefore you want to be comfortable and fashionable. This is why linen is a great choice. You can fall perfectly between traditional and casual. Suits or to formal and T-shirts and shorts are simply not adequate.

Start with a Pair of Linen Pants or Cotton

Linen pants are lightweight, just as are cotton and they are extremely comfortable. You can choose white or add a bright color into your style. Yellow, pink, orange, and blue are all common colors and many brands offer a colored linen for you to choose from.

Find the Right Shirt

The shirt you choose is going to say a lot about your personality as well is your sense of style. You want to make sure that you choose the right shirt for the occasion. A variety of different shirts can pair nicely with linen pants, then you want to consider what your various options include.

–              Lightly patterned dress shirt ( Robert Graham, Bugatchi ect..)

–              Polo shirt

–              Short sleeve button down

–              Guayabera (known as a Cuban shirt)

–              High v-neck or crew neck ribbed short sleeve

What you choose may depend upon the social event. Most of the outdoor parties aren’t going to require you to wear a tie, so you can generally choose from any of the above. However, if you want to go slightly more formal, such as being invited to a country club versus going to a party held at a friend’s house, you may want to go for a lightly patterned dress shirt. This will add some contrast to the solid color linen pants. For a little bit of additional formality, you can tuck the shirt in and pair it with a nice belt.

Creating the Ensemble

The linen pants or cotton are generally going to be a solid color. What you wear on top should coordinate appropriately. You can choose a pattern, such as pinstripes, plaid, or even a dark floral design. It is very common to choose solid on the bottom and a print on the top.

If you are going to tuck the shirt in, you should wear a belt. The belt should coordinate with the shoes that you choose.

Speaking of shoes, loafers are a great option when you are wearing linen. If you are looking to make a good impression at a social parties, sandals should be left at home. Sneakers probably aren’t the best option, either. If you are looking to dress up the look a little bit, you can also choose a comfortable dress boot or swims shoes to add to the comfortable and summer look.

In the end, linen and cotton are a great option not only for the pants, but many of the button down shirts that are available as well. You will be able to be comfortable and make a great impression when you show up at any social event, whether it’s indoors or out.

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist  in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so  whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more. Get it shipped right to your home or office.

Best Fabric For Men’s Suit

The Best Fabric For Men’s Suit

When you are ordering or buying a suit, the battle of fabrics always comes in. This is one of the most difficult parts of buying a well-tailored male suit. In old times, wool was the most popular fabric used to make suits. However, other materials are now used to make them. However, the weight of the fabric is the major determinant of how the suit will turn out on the long-run.

Making A Choice

Wool – Wool is a soft fabric, and it does not retain wrinkles. The versatile fabric can also be refined into two main wool yarns which are: worsted wool and Plain wool.

Worsted wool is a smooth and fine yarn which is produced by combing long-staple wool. When it is combined with Plain wool, it can be woven in various ways to form various fabrics like cashmere, flannel, tweed and so on.

Cashmere suits are also popular in modern days, and it is advised that you save cashmere suits for special occasions as it is an extraordinary fabric. The wool material breathes well and can be worn in warm weather or adequately cool weather.

The fineness of the fabric is what makes the suit. Wool, having a range between the 80s and 90s, is said to be fine. However, the finer wool suits called the Super Wool have a fineness of 100s, 140s, 160s and so on.

Cotton – Cotton suits are cheaper and are lighter than others. Their fineness cannot be compared to that of wool. However, you can make a blend of both cotton and wool for better results. It is great for warm weather because it breathes well. You can pull one off for a casual occasion.

Silk – Silk is great for luxurious events. The material retains heat during cold weather and expels heat during warm weather. The fabric, derived from insects, is quite expensive.

Polyester – This synthetic material can be mixed with wool to give it a cool look. However, it is less expensive. This fabric cannot be used in extreme weather conditions. Therefore, it is better to wear them around spring or fall.

Velvet – The velvet fabric is a cross between silk, nylon (polyester) and cotton. It is used majorly for smoking suits. It is not too breathable, but it is great for formal events.

Fabric Weight – Light fabric weighing 7oz-11oz is ideal for warm weather. Fabric weight between 7-9oz is majorly for scorching weather. On the other hand, 10-11oz can be worn in spring.

Fabrics between 11oz and 13oz should be your first suit choice because they are suitable for most weather conditions. However, 13oz might be a little discomforting in warm weather.

Heavy fabrics like Flannel and Tweed lie between 14oz to 19oz and are suitable for cool weather to cold weather conditions. They should be saved for shielding yourself from the cold.

You must pick the right fabric to have the

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist  in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so  whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more. Get it shipped right to your home or office.

Super 110’s super 150’s

Summer and vacation dress

Tаkіng a cruise іѕ оnе of thе mоѕt fun vacations thаt уоu саn take because it gіvеѕ уоu a lаrgе amount of options whеn choosing whеrе уоu wаnt tо gо аnd for hоw lоng. There are mаnу destinations thаt уоu саn сhооѕе from аnd dереndіng on thаt сhоісе уоu wіll bе able tо decide whаt tо wеаr оn уоur cruise. If you are сruіѕіng tо Alaska fоr іnѕtаnсе уоur сlоthіng mау bе hеаvіеr thаn you аrе оn уоur wау tо the Cаrіbbеаn. Of соurѕе уоu are gоіng tо want to hаvе a good ѕеlесtіоn оf сruіѕе frіеndlу сlоthеѕ for wеаrіng аbоаrd thе bоаt.

You ѕhоuld have casual clothes that уоu саn wеаr оn your оff dауѕ frоm thе ship. Alѕо уоu wаnt tо сhесk with the сruіѕе thаt you аrе tаkіng and ѕее hоw mаnу fоrmаl nіght thеу hаvе bесаuѕе уоu nееd tо hаvе drеѕѕу сlоthеѕ fоr thеѕе nіghtѕ аѕ wеll.

On fоrmаl night men uѕuаllу wеаr either a tuxedo or a dark ѕuіt (custom suits аrе bеѕt) and women саn wеаr thеіr fаvоrіtе сосktаіl оr evening outfit. You want tо аlѕо make sure thаt іf уоu аrе gоіng tо be dіnіng іn thе main dіnіng room fоr dinner thаt уоu hаvе some casual drеѕѕу сlоthеѕ аѕ wеll. Mеn wіll wаnt tо wеаr nice раntѕ аnd a nісе shirt thаt has buttons. Women fоr dinners саn wеаr thіngѕ ѕuсh аѕ ѕun drеѕѕеѕ, nісе раntѕ аnd a top wіll wоrk also.

Remember thаt when tаkіng your nеxt cruise уоu nееd tо сhесk thе weather for the time оf year уоu аrе gоіng so уоu mаkе sure уоu расk thе bеѕt сlоthеѕ fоr thе season.

When the tіmе соmеѕ tо pack for аn upcoming vacation, you mау bе fееlіng оvеrwhеlmеd. Dереndіng оn whеrе you аrе gоіng and hоw lоng уоu plan to bе trаvеlіng, it саn tаkе a lot of effort аnd рlаnnіng to gеt расkеd. The next tіmе уоu wіll be packing, іt is іmроrtаnt to gеt оrgаnіzеd аnd саrеfullу рlаn what you nееd. Nо mаttеr where уоu are gоіng, there аrе сеrtаіn thіngѕ all trаvеlеrѕ nееd. If уоu ѕtаrt wіth these bаѕісѕ, уоu will have no trouble расkіng for аn еnjоуаblе trір without wоrrу. Stаrt with расkіng a gооd раіr оf Thierry Rаbоtіn Shоеѕ оr Vibram Fіvеfіngеr Shоеѕ. Both орtіоnѕ аrе grеаt fоr walking аnd оffеr style аnd соmfоrt. Nоthіng is wоrѕе thаn hаvіng sore fееt whіlе оn vасаtіоn. Enѕurе уоur fееt аrе соmfоrtаblе, whеn расkіng; bе ѕurе tо toss іn a few extra pairs оf underwear and ѕосkѕ. While іt mіght ѕееm funnу for adults tо hаvе spare сlоthеѕ, you nеvеr knоw whаt mіght happen. If you ѕіt оn ѕоmеthіng wеt оr you are еxроѕеd to a ѕuddеn ѕtоrm, уоur underwear аnd ѕосkѕ wіll nееd сhаngіng juѕt as muсh аѕ the rest оf уоur clothing.

Pасk at least оnе drеѕѕіng uр оutfіt. Evеn іf уоu plan tо gо tо a casual destination whеrе vасаtіоn wear іѕ аррrорrіаtе fоr mоѕt places, you mау come асrоѕѕ ѕоmеthіng уоu wаnt tо do that requires ѕоmеthіng a little dressy. Sоmе restaurants hаvе dress codes or уоu mау juѕt want to gо out and celebrate, rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf any оutѕіdе drеѕѕ code. Whіlе оn vасаtіоn, іt іѕ nice tо splurge аnd lооk уоur bеѕt, аt lеаѕt fоr one evening.

Finally, remember tо brіng all of your toiletry іtеmѕ. Whеn trаvеlіng, tоіlеtrіеѕ are оnе of the most common fоrgоttеn items. This is whу gift shops are stocked wіth dеоdоrаnt and tооthраѕtе аt three tіmеѕ the рrісе уоu wоuld рау at hоmе. Pасk a tоіlеtrу bаg аnd then review at lеаѕt оnсе thаt еvеrуthіng уоu need іѕ in іt. Tаkе tіmе tо mentally go thrоugh уоur mоrnіng аnd evening rоutіnе аnd еnѕurе that each іtеm you need has been packed. Sіnсе mаnу of thе іtеmѕ wіll bе nееdеd at thе lаѕt-mіnutе bеfоrе уоu lеаvе fоr your vасаtіоn, уоu mау want to take one last іnvеntоrу before zipping up your bаg аnd hіttіng the road.

Whether you need a men’s personal fashion stylist or a clothing stylist  in Manhattan, New Jersey, New York, Long Island or Philadelphia. We bring men’s custom tailor to you in these areas and more coming.  Our men’s personal custom clothiers are master fitters so  whether it is bespoke men’s fashion or made to measure we bring bespoke tailoring and we give you the option of stopping in our store or coming to you in our men’s mobile fashion truck. Shop on our men’s mobile fashion truck like you are in your own personal boutique for men.  For more convenience you can shop online for custom suits, casual men’s clothing and more. Get it shipped right to your home or office.

Spring Summer line 2018

Don’t know what to wear for your vacation!  Check out our Spring and Summer line Tis the season and Time to get ready for the season.  Stop in or make your personalized appointment on the famous Mobile Boutique.  

Want that casual shoe that you can even wear in the water with quick dry. Check out our shoe line from SWIMS!  Order on line or set up your appointment to get looks to combine with these.  Shop on line  f0r these amazing shoes or book your personal appointment on our famous Mobile Boutique



Get casual and feel comfortable in out pre shrunk crushed cotton draw string slacks available in WHITE, NAVY, BLACK and NEUTRAL. Dress it up with a Bugatchi many options to choose from. Shop on line or book your personal appointment on our famous Mobile Boutique





New addition to the Bucco label comes a track suit / warm up suit that is sure to please.  

After a year in research as well as patterns and sizing we are excited to announce the launch of your summer track suit line.  This project has opened the door to Bucco getting more involved in casual clothing as well as our custom suit and custom shirt line.  We hope you are pleased with them and enjoy them. Shop online and get these shipped right to your door step!

Why wear a suit

Why Should I even wear Suits?

All over the globe suits are known as the standard uniform for corporate dressing. So many organizations including schools and universities encourage their students and workers to wear suits for serious events with some, going as far as to make it their standard uniform. In most workplaces suits are also seen as standard attire which is why it is very common practice to see sharp business men owning several pairs of suits in different colors and styles.

It might be tempting to ask of what use the suits are when a good shirt and trousers are just as good. Well yes, this combination does work for everyday work but there are special occasions where absolutely nothing, but a suit is going to cut it. Wearing a suit that is well-fitted has its own special powers, but care should be taken as an ill-fitting suit actually has the power to do more harm than good to your image.

So in order to appraise the question, we will take a look at occasions and places wearing suit is almost uncontestable.


An interview is an example of such a scenario which requires a good suit. These days though it is common practice for startups and tech companies to adopt a business casual outlook towards their dress code, it is still highly advisable for a prospective employee to come in for interviews dressed as formal as they possibly can.

Interview panels are usually made up of a select group of individuals and you might be unfortunate enough to get on the panel of an old-fashioned interviewer. This interviewer might place high prominence on the image you present and as such may dock points from you. Job hints are highly competitive, and you wouldn’t want something as simple as an outfit to be the deal breaker between you and the next guy. Wearing a sharp suit beforehand eliminates all risks of seemingly looking sloppy and unprofessional.


Another reason to wear suits has to do with your place of work. If you finally get the job or you get a transfer, a good thing to do would be to study your environment and find out just what style of dress code is already put in place. If your workplace requires you to be in suits then please wear suits. It not only shows a willingness to blend in, it also subconsciously sends the message that you are ready to work with the rules of the organization.

Company Events

A good time and place to also wear suits are company networking events. In here you can take risks with your suits while still keeping your look professional and classy. You can wear brighter colors than you usually do, maybe blazers with more flamboyant cuts or style all paired up with colorful ties. Either way you choose to style it a good sharp suit immediately sends the message that you are here for both fun and business.

Legal Representation

Suits are also really good for company representation duties whether it be for legal or media purposes. If you are also giving a personal interview or appearing in court, suits still have the power to give you an elevated position making the listener feel like you know exactly what you are talking about.

Suits in general give an illusion of power. A well-fitted suit gives anybody looking at the wearer the impression that he or she knows exactly what they are on about. In the world of business first impressions matter a lot as they are sometimes the only impressions which people would ever make of you.

A reputation of always looking sharp would stick in the heads of all who come across you and can significantly help when it’s time for them to make decisions about you. It is well known that the subconscious plays a key role in the dealings of our conscious.

Weddings and Funerals

Suits are also standard attire for weddings and funerals. While women are generally not required to wear suits for funerals, men are expected to do so. A black or navy-blue suit would be the perfect attire for a funeral as they are solemn and sober and fit the occasion. Weddings on the other hand are a free event and they give you full rein to mix and match your suit to whatever style you desire.

Truthfully, there is this powerful vibe you feel when you are all suited up. Suits also have a powerful effect due to them being known as the highest outward symbol of professionalism at first glance.

Wearing a good suit gives the wearer a huge boost of confidence and confidence is the key to a good business relationship. Being confident would enable you approach any and every valuable business skill which helps when networking and building important contacts. It also helps increase relations with co workers as a confident person who has their thoughts together.

The classic suit as a dressing type is probably never going to go out of style. It is a fast and easy way to immediately look classy and professional without trying too hard. Some organizations and structures also require their staff to be suited up at all times and won’t take anything less from employees.

And like I have said, it is also a great confidence booster with research showing suit wearers automatically gain confidence just from putting on a power suit. These are definitely good reasons why you should you own and put on a suit whether it be for work, a date, funeral or a wedding.

How Men Should Dress for their Body Type Based on Wearing a Suit

Buying a suit what to look for

Art of wearing custom suits and shirts

The Master the art of wearing a custom suit and custom shirt….
Wearing custom tailored suits are definitely not rocket science, but they clearly require you to get accustomed to some basic rules while dressing up. From picking up the right suit material, matching the color and contrast, deciding the right style and cut, you have to be very mindful about every little detail. In this article, we have listed some basic yet important tips to wearing buying custom suits and donning them like a gentleman.

Carefully decide the suit style and fabric pattern
While purchasing custom tailor suit in New Jersey or New York, you’re very likely to come across hundreds of fabric patterns and countless styles. Some of the most common and widely popular fabric patterns include twill, herringbone, pinstripe, houndstooth, and windowpane check patterns. Choose the style that compliments your personality and decide the cut that suits your lifestyle and body type. The British cut, the American cut, and the Italian cut are the three most popular suit cuts to choose from.

Always follow the 3rd button rule.
Most of the men like wearing three button suits yet don’t know the 3 button rule. The professional stylists and custom suit designers always prefer buttoning up the first and middle button on the lapel, but not the last one. The flare offered by the open third button can complement your personality even more and make you look all the more handsome. Butting up the third last button usually ruin the finish and the flare.

Check contrast and match shirts and ties.
Solid color shirts with matching ties can never be labelled as ‘old-fashioned’. They are often easier than the patterned ones and look more formal. When buying a tie for your checker or patterned shirt, fix the primary color of the shirt, and then find a similar colored tie. Your tie should be a shade darker than the shade of your shirt. Mix, match, and check the shades and pattern of your tie with the shirt. When buying custom suits in New Jersey, you can match plaid slub tie with gingham check shirt and opt heraldic tie for the striped shirt.

Master the art of wearing a tie
The art of dressing up like a gentleman doesn’t end here. After buying the right garments and getting it tailored, you also need to give attention to your dressing up style. Make sure that your tie’s width is in proportion with the collar of your shirt. It should also match with the lapel’s width, and the tie’s length should not be longer than the waistband of your pants. The length should be right up to the buckle.

Give attention to your trousers
No pants or trousers should rely on a belt to stay on the hips. Make sure you get the right fitting, and the best way of getting the perfect fit is getting your pants tailored by a professional. Taller men must go for at least one break to anchor down their height, and shorter men should prefer pants with no break.

Summing Up

Whether looking for a dress for your first day at office, elegant attire for your college prom, or a job interview, the custom tailored suits and shirts are definitely an ideal choice. When buying the Men’s Custom Suits always make sure to give attention to all the minute details to achieve the perfect look.

Surgeon Sleeves Functional button holes

Surgeon sleeves (Functional Button holes) now and then..

The History of Surgeon/Functional Button Holes On Custom Suits

There are several components found within custom tailored suits that aren’t seen on the off the rack ones. One of these is functional buttonholes, also referred to as surgeon cuffs from time to time. This is a feature of high quality suiting, and is reference to the sleeve buttons on a suit that are actually functional.

If you take a close look at the suits that are found right on the rack, the buttons are sewn directly onto the garment. They are for purposes of ornamentation only. However, buttons are generally for the purposes of fastening, or at least that’s what they have been used for throughout most of history. The material of the buttons have changed over the years, and even today, it is possible for them to be both decorative and functional.

What’s the History?

Why would a functional buttonhole be referred to as a surgeon’s cuff? They were aptly named because military surgeons had to unbutton and roll up their sleeves as a way of being able to treat wounds out on the battlefield. It’s important to know more about the buttons leading up to this point, though

Functional buttons appeared long before the suit. They were used for fastening or closing clothing as early as the 13th century, in Germany. A rise of snug fitting garments continued over the next century, and buttons became widespread. Even though the upper class still loved to show off all of the extra fabric, they used the buttons as a way of accentuating curves, particularly around the arms and the busts.

Throughout the mid to late 1800s, military pips wore jackets with regimental lace and a faux buttonhole. However, there was decoration on the sleeves because the tunic was always getting dirty in the field. One source claims that the reason for buttons on the sleeve began as an effort to keep young midshipmen and cabin boys clean and prevent them from wiping their noses on their sleeves, an effort put into place by Lord Nelson. This would allow everyone to roll up their sleeves so that they could keep their uniforms looking pristine whenever possible.

Savile Row, a prim and proper street in London, was an area heavily inhabited by surgeons prior to tailors moving in during the 19th century. The cuff buttons were similar to the pips of military rank. It allowed the sleeve to be rolled up easily. It was primarily used so that the surgeons would be to attend to their patients who were bleeding without having to remove their coats.

This was an important distinction that allowed surgeons to be set apart from the shirt sleeve wearing tradesmen found within the lower orders.

Doctors were part of the upper-class, and the surgeon’s cuffs became a way of identifying social rank. If surgeons had to remove their coats, it would mean making themselves look too much like the tradesmen, and this was found as unacceptable, even when treating the military on the battlefield.

Since doctors were part of the upper-class, it only makes sense now that tailored garments continued to follow a particular distinguishing mark of the upper-class.

Today, Savile Row is one of the better known areas of London (and the rest of the world) for tailoring. It is found in central London and has the reputation for bespoke tailoring for men. The functional button is used as it was 200 years ago because it has a reputation and a history behind it. It was used by the upper class and while social rank is no longer in place, it is used to distinguish between a person of fine taste and someone who finds no issue with picking up a suit

What Surgeon Cuffs Say

Today, surgeon’s cuffs or functional buttonholes on suits help to indicate refined taste in clothing. The bottom 1 to 2 buttons may be left unbuttoned in order to showcase more of the detail on the jacket. Italian clothiers will often insist on having at least one button open and this will show the style and the intricate design of what has been created.

With the customization of a tailored suit, it is also possible to create a casual look. The jacket cuff has the ability to be rolled up in order to show off the shirt cuff, a watch, cufflinks, or any kind of jewelry. The lining of the jacket can also be shown off, particularly if it is interesting or brightly colored.

Anyone who decides to sport a surgeon’s cuff should know about the history. It is created on a jacket, and the sleeve length is not to be altered once it has been created. A good tailor is going to know not to sew in the buttons and the buttonholes until the sleeve length has been fitted proportionately to the client. Otherwise, the proportion of the button cuffs will look improper, and people will make the assumption that it is off the rack as opposed to custom, which defeats the entire purpose.

The cuffs go back a long way, but when it comes to style and sophistication in a custom tailored suit, there’s one feature that cannot be ignored. Whether you refer to it as a functional buttonhole or a surgeon’s cuff, it’s the best way to show off that you know about class. Being able to identify its history ensures that one can take you seriously as well.

Buying a suit what to look for

5 Things to Look Out For When Suit Shopping

Just as the little black dress is a must have in every females closet, a well-tailored suit is a very essential piece of clothing for men. Buying your first suit can be regarded as a rite of passage for young boys becoming men.

The deal with shopping for suits can be quite overwhelming for almost everybody but it is worse for first timers, so the general aim of this article is to equip you with everything that you need to know about suits before you go shopping, it is therefore important to have a well fitted suit as no one wants an ill fitted suit in their closet.

Suits are very essential as they are needed for different aspects of a man’s life from business to dates to formal and informal events; the list goes on and on. These events however call for different suit styles so it is therefore important to take note of the event you are shopping for as this is the most crucial aspect. This said, here are things you should look out for when suit shopping!

The Suit Fitting

The importance of having a well fitted suit cannot be overemphasized and this is the most essential thing to take note of. One thing not to do is buy your suit off the rack, the probability of the suit fitting you is very low and nobody wants to walk into an interview or an event looking frumpy with a suit that doesn’t fit. To avoid this scenario, you need to take note of the fitting of the suit. A major characteristic of a well fitted suit is that it has to be flattering as well as comfortable. There are several aspects that combine together to form the total suit fitting and they are defined below.

  • The chest fit

You need to check the fit of the suit to your chest area. There should be a couple of inches space when the suit is buttoned up, it doesn’t have to be too form fitting. When you don on a tight suit, you end up feeling really uncomfortable all day long and no one really wants to be uncomfortable for even an hour. The statement that says the tighter the suit is, the slimmer you would look is nothing short of a ruse.

  • The suit jacket length

The length of the suit jacket matters a lot. The jacket should not be too short that it sits right on top of your backside and it shouldn’t be too long that your behind is no longer in view.


  • The suit jacket collar

The collar of your suit needs to be well defined; it should rest properly against the collar of your shirt dress. This makes the overall outfit smart and flattering as everything is in place.

  • Length of the suit jacket sleeve

The suit jacket sleeve length should allow either an inch or half an inch of the shirt dress cuff to be visible.

  • The length of the trouser

Due to the fact that there has been an influx of new fashion patterns and skinnier trouser styles, there are really no set rules with the length of the trouser.

A good way of ensuring that you get the proper fit is to have your measurement taken and have a suit made for you, it might result in additional charges but having a suit that fits you perfectly is so worth it.

Suit style/pattern/fabric

The style, fabric and pattern of the suit is subject to the occasion you are wearing it to as well as the weather conditions of the area. During winter, a flannel suit, herringbone suit and hounds tooth suit are perfect while for summer, a cotton and linen suit is just perfect.

The best material for suits is pure wool; this is due to the fact that it has the qualities that make the perfect suit which are comfort and breathability. Wool comes in different variation from cashmere to merino to worsted. Polyester suits should be avoided as they retain heat and can be easily be wrinkled. Silk suits are a good choice but they do not always appeal to everyone, if you like you can buy it.

Structure of the suit jacket

The lining, canvassing of the chest areas and shoulder pads all fused together makes the structure of your suit. When shoulder padding is included in the structure of a suit, it prevents the suit fabric from wrinkling and wrecking in the long run. There are two basic types of suits based on structured and they are the structured suit and the unstructured suit jacket. The structured suit has all the shoulder padding’s, chest canvas and lining while the unstructured suit jacket is lightweight, unrestricted, soft and unstructured as the name suggests. The unstructured suit jacket goes better for a casual look while the structured suit jacket is best for formal events. Therefore, the event you are buying the suit for plays a huge role in the structure of suit that you will buy.

Suit jacket lining

The lining of suit jackets have become quite popular, it calls for additional costs and the type of fabric used on the lining determines its quality and cost. The lining adds weight and structure to the suit.

Suit jacket buttons

Suits come with different numbers of buttons; the 3button suit was very popular in the 1990’s but not so much anymore. The two button suit helps to elongate the torso and they are quite flattering. The most popularly used type is the one button suit, this is the most flattering and comfortable type.

Once you are equipped with all the above information needed, I am confident that you will be able to make the right decision for yourself when you go suit shopping.