When it comes to color psychology in fashion or garments, it plays a major part. In any outfit you wear, what people see first is the color. It not only grabs the attention but creates the first impression. In addition, research proves that color influences the mood of the wearer and the way people respond.

Therefore, you know how vital in a man’s life is choosing the suit color. Over the years, men’s suit styles have changed but not the basic (must-have) color combinations. So, make your choice wisely by wearing the right suit color for the right occasion. And create the best impression!    

Popular Suits Color Combinations That Every Man Must Have

By and large, the darker the color, the higher the authority or empowerment. Thus, when the shades go darker, it becomes more formal and basic. Hence, they become a part of every man’s wardrobe!

Gray Suit Color Combination

Gray is the most basic color combination in suits for men. This color suits most skin tones and looks good on almost every man out there. Hence, it is the most liked and versatile suit color combination.   

You can switch between formal and informal suits with different shades of gray. A dark or medium gray best matches formal occasions or meetings. On the other side, a light gray goes well with more casual occasions.


  • White shirts match well
  • A dark-shaded tie or a bow
  • Black leather shoes

Blue Suit Color Combination

Blue is an evergreen color combination when it comes to suits. Why? It suits both daytime and evening occasions!

Switching between formal and informal occasions is possible. It depends on the shirt or waistcoat you wear along with the blue suit. A dark navy blue suit is one best choices if you’re buying your first formal suit! 


  • Brown leather shoes
  • A dark brown or maroon tie
  • Shirt color (based on the occasion)

Black Suit Color Combination

Indeed, black is the classic and timeless suit color combination. The only drawback is that it may not suit all skin tones. 

You can easily play with black color for both formal and casual gatherings. Buy a black suit if most events you attend are formal. And a black tuxedo if casual or partying.  


  • Light pink, blue, or green shirts (apart from the statement complementary color – white)
  • A brown or gold-hued tie

Tan Suit Color Combination

Probably, tan is a neutral shade suit color combination. However, it is a unique combination. Because so far we’ve seen only light-shade shirt combinations for all the aforementioned suit colors. However, with a tan suit, only a dark-colored shirt matches well. 

(As the suit is lighter in color) 

  • Shirts and shoes must get darker 
  • Tie and pocket square must get lighter

Got inspired by our men’s suits’ color combinations? Do drop in your comments! Or found this informative? Do share it with your men alike