Fridays are all about dressing up without even trying. A laid-back, natty, casual style that oozes confidence—that’s basically the essence. Now ask us what is the ‘perfect’ Jacket? Simply a sophisticated, slim fit that compliments your physique. As complex or as simple as that!
Author: Analysts
Throwback Thursdays
Here’s a simple hack to own your distinct vintage style and pair with a contemporary wardrobe with chic, smarter styles: pick your era—but settle with the latter half of the 20th century for a versatile look!
Wear It Wednesdays
Wearing an Oxford shirt can be the best thing about Wednesdays. But do you know that the 19th century outfit, ironically, didn’t come from Oxford, but rather from Scotland? Inspired by the Polo style, it is highly breathable and lightweight. Its collars are pinned down with buttons that prevents them from flying when you’re out in the open.
Teaching Tuesdays
How to pack your suit?
Packing your suit? Ensure you turn your suit inside out before you pack it into your suitcase. Sounds strange, isn’t it? But when you reverse the suit, you can do away with creases. After all, you can’t guarantee you’ll have trouser press or iron where you are put up with.
Motivational Mondays
May your Monday be short, your coffee be double-strong, and what you wear be absolutely class!
Weddings By Bucco
Dear Men, three golden rules that would help you decide on the right wedding reception outfit:
1. Know the dress code
2. Respect the hosts
3. Have the context in mind
Freestyle Fridays
May be the best day you ever ‘Frydayed’ when you try to pull off a great look pairing a suit jacket with sweatpants. Just ensure your sweatpants are fresh and clean. Stripes, bold logos and patterns are a strict no-no. The suit jacket needs to be casual enough to go with the bottoms.
Throwback Thursdays
Actor Nicole Kidman wears Vintage Chanel and Ansel Elgort Sports ’60s-Era Suits in the up-and-coming movie ‘The Goldfinch’.
Wear It Wednesdays
We are half-way to Friday. Hang on. It shouldn’t pull you away from sporting a button up with no tie below a blazer. You can button all the way or leave one or two unbuttoned. Having a great set of collar ensures you don’t look wonky and mismatched. Alternate the button up with a thin sweater, if leaving your buttons exposed is not your thing.
Teaching Tuesdays
#1 If you need to replace your shirt collars, your tailor probably won’t have matching fabric, all you need to do is go for a white contrast color.
#2 Sleeves can be shortened by half inch easily. An experienced tailor can make it even shorter easily.
Motivational Mondays
It’s Monday. Don’t simply wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something. Success is yours for the taking!
Weddings By Bucco
Here is one out-of-the-box wedding guest outfit ideas which you need to play it correctly. Go for a shirt with a twist—hmm…the grandad-collar variety will just do the thing, but a little laid back; don’t make it look slipshod though. Contrast your jacket with your pants for a similar effect. If you go light up top, do the opposite down below, and the other way round.