Super 110’s super 150’s

Does “Super 150s Wool” Make For A Great Suit?

Any man feels especially suave and sophisticated when he’s buying a new suit. Even folks with modest financial means are willing to splurge on high-quality formal clothing.

Then it happens: The customer’s eye lights on the tags on a premium suit. It says “Super 180s” wool. And the price is incredibly high. The fabric’s amazingly smooth, it feels great on the hand – but does that mean the suit is something extra special?

The Amazing History of The Super Number 

In a world of high technology, the origin story of wool’s super number is laughably arcane. It goes back to the 18th century, when the production of wool became a global industry. Spinners needed a way to quantify the fineness and quality of different vendors’ wool. What they wound up with was counting the number of “hanks,” heavy-duty yarn spools that could be spun from a single pound of wool.

For centuries, the fineness of quality wool ran from 30s to 100s. That started to change in the mid-twentieth century, as refined weaving technology made it possible to break the 100s barrier. Fineness took a big jump, the measurement gained the prefix “Super,” and authorities started measuring with a microscope.

Today virtually all suit wool is over 100s, with numbers above 150s being common for extremely fine suits. Experts predict that 250s wool will enter the marketplace soon, indicating the upper limit of modern possibilities.

Clearing Up Confusion: Important Distinctions To Make

It’s important to understand the distinction between the different terms used to describe the fineness of wool before purchasing a good suit. “Super 110s” indicates fabric that’s fairly fine and spun entirely from wool. A number without the “super” prefix indicates a wool blend, although the fineness requirements are the same.

It should also be noted that because of its weight-to-fineness origins, this measurement is completely different from the “thread count” used to gauge the fineness of other fabrics, like cotton. The modern range of wool used in good suits ranges from Super 100s to Super 150s, with lower fineness grades being practically unheard of. Higher grades exist, though, and they command astronomical prices.

The Truth About Super Wools – Finer Fabric, Poorer Durability 

No one can deny that fine wool suits are far lighter and finer than they were just ten years ago. No refinement comes without price, though. As weavers produce lighter and lighter wool, they lose the incredible durability that made wool valuable in the past. Suits crafted from high Super number wool are closer to linen in the way they crease and wear. This means that the high end of the Super number scale is not just rare, it’s also incredibly fragile. Sports cars make for an apt analogy: Think of a Super 180s wool suit like a Ferrari. It’s best suited to wearers who can not only afford it but afford to lose it.

Tailoring Is Still King 

For ordinary men, it’s best not to worry too much about Super numbers. Excellent suits can be created (and are!) using wool in the Super 110s to Super 150s range. When he starred in the Thomas Crown Affair, Pierce Brosnan was clad exclusively in Super 150s. It cannot be stated often enough: A stylish, well-tailored wool suit will look great in fabric of almost any fineness.
In contrast, even the rarest Super 200s wool cannot save a man who’s wearing a poorly cut suit. It’s better to invest in a good fit and excellent adjustments before worrying about super premium wool.

Jennifer Lopez schools on material 

Reasons to dress better

So gentleman, as you prepare to ring in 2016, one of the first things you should do is reflect back on last year and learn from, not only your mistakes, but also from what you did right. 

One of the biggest keys to your continued success is understanding the role that dressing well plays both in your personal and professional lives. If you had less than a banner year, and see some room for improvement, then maybe you should consider stepping up your fashion game.

 So make 2016 the year that your New Year’s resolution will be for you to dress well and become a fashion leader and not a follower.  We want you to learn the importance of dressing for success and everything that entails. 

Consider this; nothing feels better than looking good and knowing that you look amazing when you walk into a room. But it’s not about just buying the latest fashions. It’s more about understanding why dressing well produces favorable results and how you can develop a personal style that works for you. Research proves that how you look influences what people think of you. Wearing an impeccably tailored suit can make you look smarter, wealthier and more successful. Dressing with a purpose gives you the appearance of being more trustworthy and dependable. If you look like a winner, people will automatically perceive you as one. 

In comparison, a sloppy, poorly groomed and badly dressed man sends the opposite message of a loser or at best someone who doesn’t have a clue. 

A man who is well-dressed inspires confidence, makes a good first impression, and shows the world that you’re bringing your “A” game.  Because truthfully no one should settle for being average or mediocre and life is too short to wear ugly clothes. 

There’s nothing better than getting compliments not on your clothes but on your appearance. 

 You want people to notice you and your swagger not the actual clothes. Fashion is about self-expression and defining who you are through your style choices. Clothes can make the man, that’s true, but a man of style makes the clothes his own. 

It’s your attitude that should shine through because you know you look great.  One final thought, you should always look your best because you never know who you will meet in life. In this age of technology and camera phones etc, you always want to look your best. Be prepared for anything by never leaving the house looking anything less than impeccable. 

Ready for Hassle Free Shopping Luxury Mobile by Bucco is Men’s finest!

We are so excited to be launching this new addition to Bucco Couture! “ Luxury Mobile” the finest of men’s couture on wheels! This is not only going to be a success, but we thank all our clients for helping us make the reveal a true launch. We were able to get the word out and pique the interest of our male clients. Custom clothing is going to change now that Bucco Couture Luxury mobile is in the public eye. We are elated that so many people came out that night and we will continue to promote our brand until it is a staple in any fashion forward man’s wardrobe!

We are now post the event not only have we already dressed 3 players of the New York Giants but, we are working out deals with sports coordinators to do a Super Bowl Event and many have come to us wanting to have a scotch and cigar party (call or email us for details). Bucco Luxury Mobile the men’s boutique on wheels gives you the ultimate in shopping possibilities! You can shop from your home or office and leave with product in a bag ready to be worn or to be gifted.

Picture this…..A crowded store where everything is in different sections, you have to look at a map to find the men’s section, when you finally get there and track down assistance for help you find out that they don’t have your size and color! Now, picking something you did not come in for, you have to stand on a long line and wait behind someone with a hundred coupons that they have to be entered in manually. Doesn’t sound very pleasant does it? Now picture this… Bucco Luxury Mobile the finest of men’s clothing pulling up to your home or office with a personal clothier that has books and books of materials and rows of men’s couture to choose from. No map, no out of stock, and no lines. To top it off, not only did you just save a whole day of hassle, but you were able to order pieces that you would have never had time to look for. We can’t express to you enough how important it is to check out Bucco Luxury Mobile cause once the word really gets out, it will be impossible to get an appointment. The holidays are coming and if you get your custom orders in now then, you will have it by the holiday. Bucco Luxury Mobile doesn’t only do custom but we carry the finest in all of men’s fashion down to the socks and state of art shaving cream by “THE ART OF SHAVING”.

So many people ask why “Bucco” the answer is very simple, wouldn’t you rather have clothes that fit YOU not 100 versions of you but YOU. Custom and Couture combined now that is confidence! No matter what room you enter you will be taken seriously! Hurry up while Bucco Luxury Mobile can be your secret to looking good or helping someone else in your life make a long lasting impression. We are currently accepting appointments and also making reservations for events and private parties. For more info and availability questions please call us at 1-855-53BUCCO or email Danielle at Hassle free Holiday here you come (gift certificates also available).

Men’s Luxury Mobile by Bucco Couture

Bucco Couture has created the most cutting edge convenience in Men’s Fashion in a Generation. Introducing the first of its kind Luxury Mobile for men. Imagine the Style and Convenience of fine luxury men’s store or boutique in the driveway of your home of office. Yes Carmen Bucco and the gang at Bucco have hit a sartorial home run. Luxury Mobile is a State of the Art Mobile Men’s Store appointed and outfitted with everything a man of style and taste would desire including Custom suits, shirts, jeans, casual shirts, of every color and pattern are available along with shoes from master craftsmen and every accessory you could imagine including the Art of Shaving. Make an appointment and treat yourself to this one of a kind experience. Executives, Entrepreneurs, Fashionistas, Athletes, Actors and Government Officials are raving about Luxury Mobile. Carefully cultivated by Bucco Couture and by appointment only. Luxury Mobile combines business savvy and fashion style in a unique and highly professional way. Look for extensive television, radio and print media coverage of the various events as Luxury Mobile comes to and thru your neighborhood.

Bucco Couture Launches “Luxury Mobile”

With special guest Brandon Meyers NY Giants tight end

Black Thorn Restaurant and Lounge 651 North Michigan Avenue Kenilworth NJ 07033

Press and Media 6:30 Guests 7:00 PM Wednesday November 6th

The overall objectives of Bucco Couture are:

  • To provide a convenient space for the Professional man to satisfy his wardrobe needs
  • To deliver Style and Fashion in the most convenient manner possible.
  • To provide a showcase for the Designers and Craftsmen Bucco Couture works with.

The Bucco Couture Mobile Store appointment is a not-to-be missed experience during the Fall Fashion season. This traveling showcase will be a hit with thousands of consumers throughout the year. Let’s congratulate and support our friends at Bucco Couture by making an appointment today. Visit them on the web at or call them at 855-53BUCCO