Tan color suit is not everybody’s staple wear, though it’s a beauty of a suit when paired correctly. It also won’t work for all events. It is a highly casual color, and is usually only suitable in summer or spring, or warm climatic conditions. If you’re looking to try out a tan color suit for a casual event, here’s here how you do.

Before we jump into the topic, it is important to understand the differences between “beige, “khaki” and “tan”, as we often interchange these colors while describing them. These are essentially different shades of brown, and aren’t easy to differentiate. Tan is a lighter shade version of pure brown. In other words, think of brown when white has been added to it—it’s paler, right? Beige is another mode of light brown with the addition of some green and yellow tones. Compare it to pure brown and you will be able to distinguish the various tones pop out. Khaki is not that tricky to discern. It stands out as it contains more yellow than brown. No wonder, it almost appears like an extremely dark cream color.

When it comes to choosing tan suit by cuts, like all other suits, it must be properly fitting to enable the appearance enticing. There are different suit cuts including slim, skinny, classic and modern, the differences among them which we have already seen in the previous blogs. You need to match the suit’s fit properly as it will help you give you a chic and sleek look–the reason why I recommend the fundamentals of dressing up a suit from time to time. Tan is labelled as a neutral color and is one of the simplest colors to team up with. There are a lot of options to experiments so as to match neutral shades, even though that doesn’t mean that it can complement everything under the sun. In fact, there are two cardinal pit foils when it comes to trying out tan.
The first color-foil is sporting a dashingly bold color with a tan, where the latter is a bland hue. If you want to add a touch of brightness, it is completely OK, but it’s likely that you’d also overdo it. Go for bold or bright colors, you run the risk of destroying the fineness of the neutral tan, leaving the bold color appear rather garish. The other likely mistake, I consider, is pairing a color that is very similar. I don’t prefer wearing tan with another color of light brown. Who does either? Lest, you may appear like a package delivery man! Needless to say, such a degree of bland shade from top to bottom could be boring. You should be completely mindful of throwing in an entirely different shade or tone so as to match your tan. I simply love the classic white shirt color and tan suit combination with an appropriate tie, and a pair of brown shoe as accessories.